Yamaha YZ250X NICECNC 11oz flywheel weight

  • I am excited to receive my NICECNC flywheel weight for my new YZ250X.

    Does anybody have this weight fitted on their YZ250X already? How does the power delivery after installation?

  • Waiting for your feedback bruh 😎

  • Finally installed the flywheel weight to my 2023 YZ250X

    I am really surprised on how perfect the fit of this weight and also the mounting option is flawlessly smooth.

    I will be posting some review on my YT channel soon.

  • I installed one on my '24 250x and it really changed the ride a lot. I wasn't expecting it to be this noticable. I put mine on a digital scale and it weighed 10.6oz. It's hard to explain how it feels to add a flywheel weight, but if you don't race you bike i think it's a good thing to add if it fits your riding style. It takes the "hit" out, but makes the power more usable. 

  • Thanks for measuring the actual weight, good to know what we're actually getting.

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